ANKR Media

Navigating Your Brand's Digital Journey

We deliver targeted marketing strategies by performing in-depth analysis of your brand. This allows us to gain valuable insights for crafting effective campaigns, driving proven results such as attracting new clients and increasing community engagement. With ANKR Media, your brand's success is our top priority.

About Us

Helping Businesses Achieve Their Goals

At ANKR Media, we're a team of college students fueled by our passion for content creation and our love for working with businesses. What started as a shared interest has blossomed into a dedicated pursuit of helping brands succeed in the digital landscape. With our fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, we're here to partner with you and bring your vision to fruition. Let's embark on this journey together!


Social Media Management

Elevate your brand's online presence with our customized social media management services. Our team of skilled graphic designers and video editors will curate engaging content tailored to your brand's voice and aesthetic. Whether you prefer to provide content for us to edit and post or entrust us to create content from scratch, we'll ensure consistent and captivating posts to keep your audience engaged and your brand top-of-mind.

Facebook Ad Services

Maximize your reach and drive quality leads with our targeted Facebook ad services. We'll strategize and execute ad campaigns designed to effectively reach your specific target audience, optimizing for engagement, conversions, and ROI. From lead generation to brand awareness, our expertly crafted ads will help you achieve your marketing objectives and grow your business.

E-mail Marketing

Stay connected with your audience and nurture leads with our customized email marketing services. Whether it's reactivating dormant leads or providing regular updates and promotions, our tailored email campaigns will keep your brand top-of-mind and drive engagement. From lead reactivation emails to weekly newsletters, we'll help you leverage the power of email to cultivate relationships and drive conversions.

Website design and client nurturing

Establish a strong online presence and convert leads into clients with our comprehensive website building and client nurturing services. Our team will develop a professional website equipped with lead generation funnels, ensuring seamless user experience and optimized conversion paths. We'll also implement nurturing strategies to guide leads through the sales funnel, providing value and building trust until they're ready to convert. With our holistic approach, we'll help you transform your website into a powerful tool for driving growth and success.


How much does it cost per month?

ANKR Media offers customized pricing tailored to each client's specific needs and objectives. Our pricing is determined based on factors such as the scope of services, project complexity, and time/resources required.

To calculate the monthly price, we conduct a thorough analysis during a complimentary consultation meeting. This ensures transparency and allows us to develop a plan that aligns with your goals and budget. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover how ANKR Media can help elevate your brand!

What niche does ANKR Media specialize in?

ANKR Media primarily specializes in the health and wellness industry, working with businesses such as spas, gyms, and cryotherapy centers. However, we are open to expanding our client base and exploring opportunities in other niches. If you're unsure whether your business aligns with our expertise, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with us to discuss your goals and see how we can help your business grow. Our team is dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, regardless of industry. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and explore the possibilities for your business!

What sets ANKR apart from other marketing agencies?

At ANKR Media, we pride ourselves on our personalized approach, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. We prioritize transparency, communication, and collaboration, ensuring that our clients are involved every step of the way. With our tailored strategies and dedicated team, we're here to help you achieve your goals and elevate your brand's online presence.